Earlier this year, my laptop started to slow down. And I mean really slow down. I contacted our IT partner to see if some life could be breathed into it. Sure enough, they gave my laptop the equivalent of a car MOT and advised me to insert some extra RAM. I turned over my laptop and realised that I only had one screwdriver in the office, which didn’t fit the tiny screws, so I asked my friend in the office next door if they happened to have a small screwdriver. She gave me this great pen shaped tool. When I unscrewed the end, I found not just the small head I needed, but seven others, all different sizes. I got quite excited about it and thought… Wow, everything I need, all in one place. I didn’t want to give it back!
As I inserted the RAM, which was a welcome break from my inbox, I started to think about ideas for the next direct mail campaign for Your Marketing Team, which we usually plan for the Autumn. As all the tools from the screwdriver were in front of me, the idea came that this is exactly what we offer. All the Marketing tools our customers need, all in one place. They simply choose the one they need, at the time they need it and we bring it all together through our marketing management service.

We’ve been sending out physical direct mails in the post to our clients now for over five years, so every year it’s a challenge to come up with something new and original. And something useful, our customers will use and keep. Digital marketing has significantly grown in recent years and email platforms have become more sophisticated at filtering marketing emails into junk folders. Our target market, who are typically time-poor and usually have full inboxes, respond well to the occasional gift and hard copy brochure in the post. An activity that might to some seem old fashioned, remains very effective in some industries.
Most clients initially come to us for one of our twelve services and their business begins to grow, they widen their marketing communications and take advantage of our full skill set. We have a core team, who are listed on our website and then beyond this, we have network of trusted partners we have built up over the years. This mix of partner agencies and freelancers, enables us to build a qualified team around our client’s specific business needs, with a blend of the right expertise. We are geared up to take on anything that sits on their ‘To Do’ list under the title marketing. From putting together a full Director level Strategic Marketing Plan to filling customer goody bags with treats at Easter.
When we first meet a new client, we always take the time to review what they already have in place. Most small businesses will have their own network of reliable freelancers or someone in-house who currently takes care of Marketing. Our aim is to maximise on these investments and work alongside them, filling any skills gaps with our recommendations. We can also come in to bring everything together under one cohesive marketing plan, with set targets and measurements in place. We either manage the plan on your behalf or train your in-house team to execute it with our support.
If there are any Marketing tasks big or small stuck on your to-do list, then please do get in touch with us, we would love to help. If you just need a great multi-tool screwdriver for those occasions when your glasses break or you need to pop some RAM in your computer, please let us know. We have some spares!